Sunday, January 13, 2013

I get by with a little help from my friends...

I have amazing friends. It's not that I'm just now figuring this out, I am just even more reminded of that since I found out about my "situation". I have gotten calls, letters, texts, emails, iTunes gift cards and even the world's largest whoopee cushion in the last two weeks.  I have friends bringing me food after my surgery and friends grading my finals because I'll be out of school.

I get stressed sometimes that I don't do a good job of expressing my thanks to these great people.  Their words are so perfect (and usually make me cry) and I feel like my thank you never sounds as perfect. Just know, I remember all the kind words, read the messages daily, and never take any of it for granted.

I hope you never have to go through this crap yourself.  But if you do, I hope you have friends as awesome as mine to help you through the journey.

Just to clarify, my "situation" is my breast cancer. Sarah says I used the word situation a lot when talking about it. That's usually because I'm talking about it at school and I haven't filled my students or some of my coworkers in on what's going on. I have also called it my "condition" but I'm not as big of a fan of that descriptor. 

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